"I hope someday we will be able to proclaim that we have banished hunger in the United States, and that we've been able to bring nutrition and health to the whole world."          ~George McGovern



I have an idea that I would like to share with you.  My hope is that on your birthday, you will try the same thing for a Food Bank or Food Pantry near you.  It would be amazing to look back someday and see how we have rallied around our friends in need on a day that is so very special to us.


The idea is simple.  Two months before your birthday, start a food drive at your work, school, place of worship and the like for your local food bank or pantry.  Donate the food to that place in honor of your own birthday.  

Join with me on feeding our neighbors, our friends, our family.


Right now, this space is just the seed of an idea.  As the days and months pass, I hope that this idea grows into a something that we can all rally around.

My hope is that this space will be a resource for you to be able to find food banks and food pantries near you that you can donate significant amounts of food to throughout the year.  I hope it will also be a place for friends to share their stories of how successful their food drives were.  If you have been helped by a food bank or food pantry, please share your experience with us.

The idea of giving an enormous gift like this on your birthday can make it even more special.  As you celebrate with gratitude people celebrating you, you will know that you too are celebrating human kind by lending a hand to those who need a little help.


In 2012, I sent out the following email to my colleagues in hopes of giving something special to many people in honor of my fortieth birthday.  This email is the email that kicked off this movement.

This April, I will have a milestone birthday.   Yippee! 

I remembered this kid in grade school (most definitely NOT me!) who used to bring gifts to his classmates on his birthday.   Admittedly, I really liked when he had a birthday.

I reflected upon my life and thought that there may be something I could give to the community this year.  Upon that reflection, I thought perhaps YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO JOIN ME.

I would like to DONATE CANNED GOODS to the TWO FOOD PANTRIES at The Brashear Association on the South Side.  Not one or two cans, but enough to feed, well, the WHOLE South Side, if possible.

That’s where your cupboards come into play.  I want you to join me in making a little room in your cupboards in order to help fill some others’ cupboards.

By the end of this week, you will see some boxes by the elevators that say “Old Mother’s Cupboard” where you may place your canned goods next to mine.

The Food Pantry Accepts Canned Goods Such As:

·         Soup
·         Beef Stew
·         Vegetables
·         Pasta sauce
·         Beans
·         Peanut Butter
·         Jelly
·         Canned fruit
·         Dry pasta
·         Dressings
·         Catsup
·         Mustard
·         Cereal
·         Stuffing mix
·         Mac and cheese

An Alternative to Canned Goods are these non-food items:

·         Diapers (any size)
·         Toothpaste
·         Toothbrushes
·         Sanitary Napkins